Based in Macau, Chessman Macau has established itself not only a production house but also a superior provider of stage entertainment production, artist management as well as film and video production since 2001. Icts name has become the equivalent to the best entertainment production unit. Chessman Hong Kong, being a branch of Chessman Macau, is hugely supported by the enormous strength of its mother company. We strive to diversify our business development, from advertising, event management to artist management and many more. Chessman Hong Kong aims to keep abreast with its headquarter in Macau. Our team consisted of elites from sales and creative. By blending art with commercial purposes, we provide one-stop creative solutions which would eventually lead to long-term collaboration with our precious clients. Chessman Hong Kong is consisted of talents from marketing, design and creative, we vow to provide one-stop promotion solution for you. Corporate identity and branding is what we excel at; in addition, in order to present all-inclusive solution we also produce advertisements, manage events and design premium as well as pamphlets. Moreover, we manage artists to add quality entertainment for various campaigns.
2001年成立於澳門,棋人澳門由娛樂製作開始,業務漸漸擴展至藝人管理及影視製作,至今已是一家最具規模的娛樂製作單位。 棋人香港為棋人澳門在香港分支,依仗澳門總部雄厚實力的無限支持,我們矢志發展廣告設計、項目製作及藝人管理等範疇,與棋人澳門並駕齊驅。 棋人香港各位銷售和創意精英皆以極力以藝術點綴商業,為客戶提供一站式服務,以傲慢同儕行銷創意,跟客戶攜手建立長久互助的合作關係。 棋人香港雲集來自行銷、設計和創作的精英,致力為客戶提供一站式的營銷企劃。 我們除了會為客戶度身訂造企業及品牌形象,亦會提供以下服務:廣告製作、活動策劃、禮品及刊物設計,客戶可享受全方位的市場推廣方案。 另外我們亦有藝人管理,將為各種推廣項目加添高質素娛樂。
棋人娛樂製作著重從心出發,從觀眾及客戶角度去做好每一個演出項目,務求提供視聽娛樂之餘,讓觀眾在內心留下寄存感動的票尾。充滿幸福感覺氛圍的設計,秀麗生輝的字體配搭花語為「感謝」的桃紅玫瑰,散發猶如「感動」般微妙的絲絲溫度;另外也以英文「LIVE TO LOVE」加以表達,我們一同活出有愛有情的人生,也珍惜記下每一個讓人動容的時刻。