【棋人二十周年聯乘系列】Chessman With Dust Wu胡仔 二十周年紀念浮世繪
The origin of a dream may be a sudden thought that flashes through one's mind, but more often than not, it is the search for something "unique" amidst the ordinary and the regular that ignites sparks of inspiration in us, driving us to pursue our dreams with unwavering determination and passion.
Dust Wu, a Hong Kong tattoo artist known as the "Dragon King" in the industry for his distinctive and lively dragon tattooing style, was once leading an ordinary life with a stable job like many others.
However, his love for tattooing led him to abandon his comfortable life and travel alone to Singapore to study under Nicckuhori, the son of the legendary Japanese tattoo master Horiyoshi III, in pursuit of the beauty and power of Eastern tattoo art. With his precise lines and skillful techniques, Dust's tattoos have penetrated deep into the hearts of his clients.
In celebration of Chessman's 20th anniversary, Dust's friend and Chessman's Creative Director in Hong Kong, Aramis Yeung, invited Dust to create a piece of ukiyo-e artwork, the genre of Japanese woodblock prints that Dust excels at. What was the inspiration behind this collaboration, and what thoughts went into this particular ukiyo-e artwork? Join us as Aramis takes us into Dust's studio to hear it from the man himself.
香港紋身師Dust Wu胡仔以個性十足、活靈活現的紋龍手藝,在紋身界坐擁「龍王」稱號,與許多人一樣原本有著穩定工作,過著平凡生活的他,因為對紋身的熱愛毅然捨棄安定生活,隻身越洋到新加坡,向日本傳奇紋身師三代目雕佑西的義子Nicckuhori學師,讓源起東方的美性和霸氣攀上客人的左膀右臂,隨俐落線條滲透五臟六腑。
是次由Dust老友,同時也是棋人香港創作總監 Aramis Yeung 邀請Dust以棋人二十周年為題,親繪一幅他最為擅長的浮世繪畫作,合作緣起到底為何,而這一浮世繪中又有著怎樣的思緒,以下就讓Aramis帶大家潛入Dust的工作室,備好板凳,聽他親自娓娓道來。
These are sports shoes designed with chessmen motifs, composed of Ukiyo-e style brushstrokes. They have a certain degree of commemorative value and stylishness, suitable for most people's sporty style without sacrificing fashion.
這是chessmen 設計的運動鞋,運用了浮世繪的筆觸去組成的運動鞋。具有一定程度的紀念價值和型格,適合大部分人士的運動風格而不失時尚。