Chessman 20th x Yue Hwa
Chessman collaborated with Yue Hwa to design a tea packaging to celebrate its 20th anniversary. There are two versions, one in red which symbolizes China, and the other in green which evokes nature. Tea is a beverage that transcends social classes. In the realm of arts and culture, tea is an elegant way of life; while for common folks, it is an everyday drink that accompanies their meals. When people have had their fill of delicious food, a cup of tea can instantly relieve their bloatedness and ennui, leaving them feeling refreshed and invigorated.
Chessman 20週年與裕華國貨合作設計了一款茶葉包裝。共有兩款,分別是像徵著中華的紅色和令人聯想到自然的綠色。茶,不分階層。書畫琴棋詩酒花,茶是典雅的生活方式;柴米油鹽醬醋茶,茶是尋常百姓的日常。當人們嚐遍美味打飽嗝之際,一品茶香,頓時消滯解膩、心曠神怡。