Your Own Mirror
Identity Design
The children's theatre "Your Own Mirror," organized by the Hong Kong Kids Talent Academy, focuses on parent-child relationships and tells the story of parents leading their children to save missing heroes, highlighting the idea that parents are often a mirror for their children's character and behavior. The poster design uses orange and purple to create a sense of opposition and divides the actors into two groups, forming a mirror reflection composition that echoes the theme of the play.
由香港兒童才藝學院主辦的兒童劇場 《品格英雄》以親子關係為軸心,講述家長們帶領孩子拯救失蹤的品格英雄,帶出父母往往就是孩子的一面鏡,你的品格如何,你的孩子也會如何。