Yeah Yeah Group
"The internet, virtual world, NFTs, and metaverse are the future directions of development. Yeah Yeah Group is building a platform for this future, which can be considered as the construction of a new era of civilization for humanity. The metaverse subverts our inherent thinking, as it is a utopia and an ideal country that humans have always longed for, constructed through technology. The logo concept of Yeah Yeah Group is based on Hieronymus Bosch's painting 'The Garden of Earthly Delights', which envisions the future utopia of Yeah Yeah Group. This is also a signpost for the future world. The elliptical shape at the bottom can be understood as a lake at the foot of the mountain, or it can be imagined as the platform of Yeah Yeah Group. On this platform, everything can be created, even something as huge as a mountain.
網絡、虛擬世界、NFT、元宇宙,是未來發展的方向,Yeah Yeah Group為這個未來建立一個平台,其實應該算是正在搭建人類新的文明時代。而元宇宙扭轉了我們的固有思維,這是人類以科技的手段建構一個人類一直都渴望出現的理想國度,一個烏托邦。Logo以Hieronymus Bosch (耶羅尼米斯·波希)的名畫—《The Garden of Earthly Delights》為概念,把Yeah Yeah Group變成這個未來的烏托邦的預想圖,這亦是一個烏托邦的路牌,指示出未來世界的去向。底部的橢圓形,可理解成山腳的一個湖,亦可想像它就是Yeah Yeah Group的平台。在這個平台上,一切都可創造出來,就算巨如一座山。